Architectural Fittings provides high quality architectural hardware fittings for glazed railings and handrails requiring fine detail design.
Made of high grade machined aluminum and stainless steel, the Architectural Fittings product line provides a cohesive aesthetic for glazed railings requiring an exposed connecting system for applications where design detail and quality is paramount.
Ideal for balustrade infill panel connections, partition walls and furniture applications, these exposed hardware systems provide a versatile solution for attaching panels in curved configurations, such as spiral stair cases, as well as in-line, and end-condition situations, solving a variety of design issues, saving architects and designers many hours of design time for projects requiring refined detail design solutions.
Installation of these hardware systems is all mechanical in nature, eliminating the irregular appearance of visible welding where high aesthetic standards need to be met, reducing the amount of trades that need to be involved in installation, thereby resulting in project cost savings.
Matching handrail supports are also available for these hardware systems to complete balustrade applications.
Designed by industrial designer Saleem Khattak, the Architectural Fittings product line is designed and produced in Canada.